Gift Vouchers
Recommend A Friend Voucher
Olaplex Protect Treat Maintain
Color Wow Dream Cocktail
Color Wow
Color Wow Root Cover
Color Wow Dream Coat
Color Wow Dream Coat For Curly Hair
KMS Moist Repair Hair Play Curl Up

At Christmas 2022 we raised £80 for dementia with our Origami Christmas trees.


Team Xmas Party 2022
Hair Associates Salon
Hair Associates Salon
Hair Associates Salon

WOW Colour is a fantastic product for all you lovely ladies who need an instant cover-up of colour re-growth between visits to the salon.

It’s perfect to carry in your make-up bag and it’s quick & easy to use.  Simply brush WOW Colour to the re-growth areas you wish to cover up and blend with the large end of the applicator brush – WOW! no more roots!

Bora Aksu show

Our senior stylist Sam Earl (Bentall Centre salon) recently styled a number of models for designer Bora Aksu’s London Fashion Week show. Read more

On Monday 2nd September Hair Associates staff were brought together for a day of team-building fun at Colets Health Club in Thames Ditton.

Salon teams competed in a boot-camp style assault course with a tug of war and a game of rounders after. The day was capped off with well-earned food and drinks.

The Twickenham salon team

The Twickenham salon team


The Kingston High Street salon team

The Kingston High Street salon team

Awards were also presented, and saw Thyra Gibbs of the Kingston High Street salon win Best Newcomer of the Year (Assistant)

Thyra Gibbs, winner of the Best Newcomer Award

Thyra Gibbs, winner of the Best Newcomer Award

…and Sam Earl of the Bentall Centre salon awarded Team Player of the Year. To accompany their awards they received money, Champagne and crimpers.

Sam Earl, winner of the Best Team Player Award

Sam Earl, winner of the Best Team Player Award

It was a fun day, and a great opportunity for stylists to meet the teams at other salons — although there were a few with some aches and pains the next day!

The Esher salon team

The Esher salon team